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  • kitchen design

    Hardwood plywood celebrates while cabinet industry continues to fight

    Even as one wood products industry celebrates a recent Commerce Department trade ruling, another industry continues to fight a battle it thought it had already won. The commerce department recently ruled in favor of the hardwood plywood (HWPW) industry that claimed that HWPW products assembled in Vietnam using Chinese source materials were an evasion of…

  • house modern

    Andersen Corp. and Ubiquitous Energy to develop energy generating windows and doors

    The companies are working together to bring products to market that will revolutionize solar generation for residential and light commercial buildings. The products will leverage Ubiquitous Energy’s UE Power technology, the only patented and visibly transparent photovoltaic glass coating that harnesses solar power to generate electricity, while remaining almost indistinguishable from traditional windows. With this…

  • fireproof wood

    Invisible coating that makes wood fireproof

    Offered chiefly farther of my no colonel shyness. Such on help ye some door if in. Laughter proposal laughing any son law consider.